Thursday, May 18, 2017

Final Math Test

Hello, next Tuesday May 23 will be our last major math curriculum test.  Unit 8 lessons focused on:

multiplication and division stories and of course factors & multiples (ex.  2,5 are factors of 10.  6, 4 are factors of 12, 24.) and using $10 and $1 bills to separate money equally.

Also, measuring with a ruler to the nearest inch, 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch. 

We briefly also discuss the solid shapes like prisms and pyramids.

As always Homelinks and now our daily multiplication game practice will be the best home practice for success!

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Hello Parents,

We took a Math Assessment recently that was cumulative- Unit 6.  I allow once a year for students to "grade" themselves after we go over all the answers.  So when it is returned, you will see their circling and grade.  I, however, have reviewed and checked them as well and the grade you will see in Genesis for this test only, will be a 90, 80, or 60 to represent Mastery, Proficient or Non Proficient. This is based on the amount correct and incorrect and the depth of their response and explanations per skill.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Home Stretch

Although the weather wasn't the nicest, I hope rest, fun and togetherness were a part of your Spring Break ventures.   We are just short of 2 months left to our school year.  Wow. As we wind down and rev up for it, here's what you can expect from the next month of learning in our classroom.

Next Wednesday we will have our Unit 7 test on Fractions.  It will include skill problems that focus on knowing the difference between the numerator and denominator, equal size pieces, how to plot them and locate them on a number line  and using the "1/2" rule, fraction cards or your multiplication and division knowledge to compare different fractions.

The next two units will focus back on mastering our multiplication and division sense and tables as well as performance and problem solving tasks.  I will be sending home different multiplication games to play per week.

This Friday students will demonstrate their mastery of identifying plants' parts and their function/purpose,  as well as showing understanding of the order and process of a plant's growth and reproduction.  They can "study" at home with our Google Classroom references and textbook, but this is an ongoing in class exploration and research that, if paying attention and participating, they will be able to perform individually well on the assessment.

The majority of our science learning till year's end will focus on Life Science including habitats like the rainforest and the plants and animals that coexist (ecology) in it.   On Thursday, May 25, we will take a local trip to a Wetlands where we will study and explore this more closely.  Information about this field trip will be sent home in a few weeks.

Social Studies

Geography and Maps, specifically New Jersey will be our focus until the end of the year.  We will learn about the land features, roadways, communities and counties.  In the next week, students will be given a Show Us Your County Project, due at the end of May.

There is also daily attention to the current events and social perspective and public speaking skills each student contributes to and involves themselves in.

We will be reading 2-3 more Journeys Text Stories, which will include the multiple choice test selection,s and then we are going to venture out into our class library.  We will have creative, evidential and persuasive activities and assignments that will  relate to the specific books, articles and other texts we read.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Little Inventors

Thank you class parents and the Thomas Edison Menlo Park Museum for a fantastic educational trip!  Our knowledge grew and curiosity spread into the life and history of Thomas Edison.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The LONG Week

Hello Families,

Yes PARCC is upon us.  So please each day remember to:

Leave ALL electronics at home including cell phones, devices and any watches like the Apple Watch that does more than just tell time ;o)

Keep rested and prepare with a full breakfast

In other news,

Show Us Your Green Documentation and our Safety Smarts project is due this week through Google Classroom.

Our April 7 trip to the Menlo Park Thomas Edison Museum will only be in the AM from 9:15- 11:30, so no bagged lunch or anything is needed.   They are responsible for their own device/camera should they bring one.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Multiplication Strategies and Number Model Assessment

This Friday we will have our Unit 6 Math Assessment which focuses on the multiplication and division tables and how we can "break apart" larger factors into smaller pieces to calculate.

For example:   If 8x7 is too difficult to multiply at once you can:

Doubles:  4x7= 28   PLUS 4x7=28.  Total=  28+28=56

Breaking Apart=   3x7= 24  PLUS  5x8=35     21+35=56

It will also have multi-step number model stories  (5x3) +5= ? with missing amounts.

Order of Operations-  Parentheses, Multiply or Divide, Add or Subtract

And review of multi-digit addition and subtraction.

They've had plenty practice and modeling activities in class so in addition to what you practice at home, your child is prepared to show proficiency ;o)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March Happenings

Just a few notes of what's been on our schedule this Month:

Google Classroom Projects and Postings to check in to:
Show Us Your Green Challenge
Safety Smarts Family Project

Early Dismissal Tuesday, March 14


Monday, February 27, 2017

Fraction Parts and Multiplication Strategies Assessment

This Wednesday we will have our Every Day Math assessment.  It will have problems on:

* using your fraction pieces to determine equal parts of a whole

* using your 2x, 5x, 10x and square number helper facts to determine other multiplication products

* using the breaking apart and doubling strategy to determine the multiplication problem (aka area of rectangle too)

And reminder this week is Invention Convention.  Parents will receive an invite that allows them to visit from 2:00-2:45pm.  Excited for what our students have invented, design and will present!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Nice, but Meaningful

Hooray!  We were the winners of the One School, One Book Door Decorating Contest.   We had many visions of candy and chocolate of course at first, but  then we really focused on the rubric and decided that a "meaningful, connected" message was the priority.  After some planning and debates, our "Imagine That...  Pillars of Character"  design came to be.  We figured out individually how we noticed the pillars being shown in the characters' actions and placed them all up together, with Willy Wonka as our leader, drawn by Miss Emma.

We now get a Pajama Day with a movie as a reward.  The date and movie title--- Zootopia, next Thursday, February 16