Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Holiday Observation Writing Piece

Wow. This time of year surely keeps us on our toes with sickness, travel and clouded minds of candy canes and snowflakes.  So, with that said our major writing piece for the month is an Informational Article explaining to someone whose never heard of "The Holidays" before what "happens" during them.

We've made a list of observations and then decided upon three of our own to be specific and give exact facts.  The structure was modeled by me and is in the Google Classroom "6 Traits Writing" Folder named December Holidays for reference.

Most of the writing and finalizing with an illustration will be done in class tomorrow and Friday for display in our hallway next week.  However, it is the students' responsibilities to make sure they have written their best, which may need some guidance from you at home if they decide to bring it home on Thursday.

They can handwrite it or type it on their Google Docs account and print out.  They will make their background paper choices in class.