Here's what you can do to help us smooth the process and know exactly where to go:
- Save this website as an icon on your desktop or "Add to Home Screen" on your tablets
- Add Google Drive and Google Classroom as an App on your tablets (if you feel you have enough space) and/or icon on your desktop
- If your child hasn't already done so in class, use this code vxj36f to join our Google Classroom
- You can click on the Kidblog tab to the left and join our class using this code fwvhmfx - and then use your Google Drive login information.
Thank you so much for your support, help and belief in our learning!
Within the next few months this will all become second nature to us and will be enjoying and reaping its benefits. And even when we need to keep handwriting in our learning too, I say, take a photo and post it in your drive that way too!